Pitstop - Planning
Before the Ballet
Watch a formula one pitstop, it’s a precision and ballet rolled into one. The crew move to position, the car comes in and stops in the exact spot it is needed. Each crew member working to military precision through a set routine and then off the car speeds in less than 3 seconds. The car rests, the worn out is removed and the fresh is put on. But before all of this precision movement, the team consider what do we need to compete well in the next part of the race? They then plan for all they need to be equipped for in the pitstop. Planning for the next stage is an important part of any leader’s pitstop too.
I find the summer for me is an ideal time to take a pitstop. Due to people’s holidays, there is often less training and coaching on and so after rest and refuelling with reading, I take the time to plan. I consider
What is the next stage of the journey looking like?
What is needed that is different?
Back in April 2020, as the pandemic threw everything in the air, I pit-stopped and part of that was considering what is needed for the next stage of the journey. This summer I’ll pitstop again. As some workplaces open up more, I will ask questions to plan:
What will the next stage of the journey look like?
What will schools and businesses need?
What do we need to offer to help with that?
What have we learnt about online coaching and training in the last year?
What can transpose to face to face coaching and training?
Is there a blended offer that can help people and organisations?
As leaders, the pitstop does help us recharge, but just as important is to help the organisation recharge. Taking time to pitstop and consider and plan for the next stage, enables your organisation to remain fresh and invigorated. Recently, we came across a need for leaders to be supported when they have been through a challenging time, which is why we developed ReNEW (https://www.everydayleader.co.uk/renew). This all came about from a pitstop, reviewing what was needed for the next stage. Typically, organisations have ‘awaydays’ or ‘visioning days’. But it doesn’t even have to be as grand as that. It is about stopping and considering what is needed to take you on the next stage of the journey.
Some wise leaders recognise that coaching offers an invaluable moment for leaders to consider thinking. It ring fences the time, and using a professional coach can help you consider what needs to be planned. Some have this every six to 8 weeks, which is like taking regular pitstops to empower you. Good coaching questions enable the leader to consider the situation with more clarity and more informed decisions can then be made. Good coaching questions to help you consider your next stage of the journey are:
What is working at the moment?
What needs to improve?
What sits at the heart of this area to improve?
What do you want it to look like?
What have I learnt recently that could help this?
Who can help me develop or deliver this?
What are the key steps that I need to take?
Our pitstop, time of rest should empower us. The coaching questions can help us gain clarity and re-establish purpose which in turn empowers us with confidence.
So, as we draw this series of blogs to a close, you will have seen the power of the pitstops. When you know yourself and what you need to refuel yourself, you can prepare and plan in the replenishment you need. Knowing the form of rest that you need and addressing it with the right refuel enables you to bring balance back in. Leadership starts with you leading yourself. Celebration is a key part of a pitstop. Reflecting on what you have done well empowers you to do more.
Reading this article is great, but the important thing is now putting it into action and proactively planning the pitstop that you need.
Everyday Leader is here to inspire and equip you so that you are empowered. If you are finding you need help to evaluate your situation and plan in your pitstop, then you may benefit from coaching with us. Do let us know if we can be of help to you by contacting us at colin@everydayleader.co.uk