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Starting from Scratch - Drivers

Five years have now passed since Everyday Leader was formed. They say that time flies when you are having fun and I can honestly say that this has been my experience with this company – empowering others through coaching, training and consultancy in leadership is a wonderful role to have.

We started with just two things; a blank page in the notebook and a heart full of passion to empower others to lead themselves and others well. And therein lies the key for all organisations who are either starting from scratch or hoping to start a project from scratch. Over the next four weeks, we will explore the four corner stones of starting something from scratch and how they can be used to build a solid foundation. These corner stones are:

· Drivers

· Team & Partners

· Create Community

· Home

This week, we will look at the importance of your drivers.

Your purpose – your ‘why’

Often you will have a ‘what’ in your mind when you want to start something. For example, we want to start a ‘consultancy firm’, we want to start a ‘youth project’. It is understandable to start with what you want to do and, in many ways, makes sense. This ‘what’ will often centre around your personal strengths and goals. What is important, though, is to understand the driver that sits behind it. To understand the ‘why’.

Simon Sinek, in his TED Talk and book, started the conversation about ‘start with the why’. He understood that people buy into the why and not the what. He understood that the story of your purpose is the driver that sustains you through the tough times. He understood that knowing your purpose, or ‘why’, brings clarity to your ‘what’. So, when you are starting a business or a project from scratch, the first thing is to be clear on your purpose. Try to drill this down to one, two or three words. Ask yourself,

a) What is it I am trying to achieve?

b) What is it about that, that is important?

c) What is it about that that is really important?

At Everyday Leader, we wanted to inspire and equip people with our training and coaching. When we dug even deeper it was about ‘empowering’ people. So, if you want to start a project or an organisation, what is it that you really want to achieve? What difference do you want to make? This then is your driver, your purpose.

Your values – your ‘how’

Businesses will be aware of phrases like vision and mission. Often, we struggle to see how they all fit together. For me, they work like this.

· Purpose – Why – the ultimate aim of what we do

· Values – How – the way that we deliver our purpose

· Mission – What – the actual thing that we do

All of these feed into one another. Our purpose will guide our values and the values, in turn, fuel and deliver the purpose. At Everyday Leader our values are Authenticity, Integrity & Curiosity. When we put those values into action in our behaviour, they support us delivering the empowerment, the inspiring and the equipping. When you are starting something, consider what values and behaviour will support our purpose. As you get people to join you, you can then be clear on the values and behaviour needed to deliver the purpose.

Your mission – your ‘what’

For many years I was a headteacher. Now, upon reflection, I have learnt that the role of headteacher was in fact just a vehicle to deliver my purpose of empowering others. I now empower others through the role of coaching and training. In other words, a different role but the same purpose. The things we do are like a vehicle in which to deliver our purpose. It is the same with our mission, the ‘what’ that we do. The ‘what’ that we do can change, but the purpose or ‘why’ must remain. So, Everyday Leader’s mission, the ‘what’ that we do, is high quality coaching, training and consultancy in leadership. When planning a new venture, ask yourself the most effective way to deliver your purpose – that then helps to shape the ‘what’ that you choose.

To be truly effective in what we do, we need to consider

· What is our purpose?

· What is the problem we need to solve?

· What is the best way to meet that problem?

· What values or approach will help us to deliver that well?

In my case, I started with a blank piece of paper and a heart for empowering others. The heart for empowerment shaped what went on the blank piece of paper. As you start something from scratch, think about the drivers that can help you deliver your project or organisation.


Hear more

This month I interview Richard Dedicoat, the headteacher of Grace Cook Primary school, who has been living our ‘Start from Scratch’ theme for months, as he has worked to start this school from scratch ready for its opening in September. Do tune into the Leadership Lounge Podcast on 15th April to hear how he has managed it!

Can we help you?

Do you want to get something off the ground and need a sounding board to help shape it? Could we help you through coaching to discover your why, how and what? Everyday Leader’s team of coaches can help you understand what is going on in your head and how you can manage your emotions and other people in those moments. Give us a call on 01449 710438 if you would like us to help you explore this and empower you and your team.

Everyday Leader is here to empower, inspire and equip you to do that. If we can help you find a way forward, through coaching, training or consultancy, do let us know. Contact us now:


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