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Choose your pricing plan
5 x 1 hour Coaching Session pack
450£5 x 1 hour coaching sessions. Block booking rate 10% reductionValid for 6 months- Coaching (5x1 hour) Pay on booking
5 x 2 hour Coaching Session pack
900£5 x 2 hour Coaching Session pack. Pay for 5 sessions and then book online.Valid for 6 months- Coaching (5x 2 hour) Pay on booking
5 x 90 minute Coaching Session pack
675£5 x 90 minute Coaching Session pack. Pay for 5 sessions and book each session onlineValid for 6 months- Coaching (5x 90 mins ) Pay on booking
350£Helping you ReNEW yourself after difficult moments. 5 sessionsValid for 6 months- ReNEW Pay on booking
Find the Real Me
235£Rediscover a Sense of Identity & PurposeValid for 6 months- Find the Real Me (5 session)
Time Management
210£Identify issues & develop strategies to manage your timeValid for 3 months- Time Management
Confident conversations
210£Gain confidence to have clear & collaborative conversationsValid for 6 months- Confident Conversations (3 sessions)
Reduce Anxiety
350£Identify, manage and reduce your anxietyValid for 6 months- Reduce Anxiety (5 sessions)
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